What is this?

This is a platooning simulation made using React and P5.js

What is platooning?

Platooning is a method of driving where a group of vehicles drive in a line, with the vehicles in the front of the line controlling the speed of the vehicles behind them. This is done to reduce fuel consumption and increase safety by adjusting the space between the vehicles.

How does this simulation work?

This simulation uses a simple model of platooning to simulate the vehicles. The vehicles are controlled by a PID controller, which uses the distance between the vehicle and the vehicle in front of it to calculate the speed of the vehicle. The PID controller is tuned to give the vehicles a comfortable distance between them, and to keep the vehicles at a constant speed.

How do I use this?

You can use this by clicking the Graphs button at the bottom of the screen. This will open a sliver at the bottom of the screen, which will show you the graphs of the simulation. You can close the sliver by clicking the Graphs button again.

How do I change the settings?

You can change the settings by clicking the Settings button at the bottom of the screen. This will open a sliver at the bottom of the screen, which will show you the settings of the simulation. You can close the sliver by clicking the Settings button again.

